Turkish Pizza


Pizza? who don't know about this foods. One from many famous food in the world. Pizza is from Italy, but people in the world also like these food. In this time, i wolud like to give you some information about how to make Turkish pizza. Let me tell.

Turkish Pizza

1) Flour 50 gr
2) Yeast 11 gr
3) Sugar 1 gr
4) Salt 2 gr
5) water 30 ml
6) Cheese mix
7) Gratted cheese 100 gr
8) egg 1 ea
9) Sauted sliced mushrooms 60 gr
10) Capers 10 gr

1) Mix all the dry ingredients then addthe water until the consistency is right.
2) Leave to rest For the cheese mix.
3) Beat the egg well add the cheese and seasoning Add the mushrooms and capers on the pizza

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